About me
I’m a recent Ph.D. graduate from Koç University. During my Ph.D. studies, I’ve worked mainly on Software Reliability, specifically static and dynamic analysis for detecting anomalies in programs using asynchrony as a way of concurrency. My dissertation is focused on race detection techniques for applications using asynchronous programming models, specifically for JavaScript web applications and hybrid HPC applications (i.e. OpenMP 4.0, Intel TBB Flow Graph) using dataflow constructs along with shared memory programming constructs. My technique attempts to combine advantages of static and dynamic analysis techniques by applying an efficient static analysis over dynamically obtained execution trace of the application under test. Throughout my studies, I was lucky to work with my advisor; Serdar Taşıran and Ben Livshits. For more details, you can check my CV.
Currently, I am living in Richland, WA as a freelance researcher/software engineer while looking for possible software engineer and post-doc positions.